To assist CIC teachers in teaching communication content in their courses, we offer the following support to teachers:
- In-class workshops: Deliver face-to-face workshops on presentation skills, script delivery and materials design etc.
- Teaching materials: Provide written or digital format of course materials to teachers and students.
- Micro Courses: Online interactive micro courses across 4 literacies for students’ self-learning.
- Teaching Consultations: One-on-one sessions with teachers to discuss any aspects of their CI-badges courses.
- Class observations: Give feedback to teachers to improve their teaching in communication contents.
- Visual and Digital Resources (VADR): Provide consultations or in class training by our student peer consultants.
VADR Peer Consultants
The Visual and Digital Resources (VADR) student peer consultants offers valuable support to teachers with peer-to-peer consultations to students for the visual and digital literacy of their academic work.
Selected student consultants, trained in multimedia design, data visualisation, and digital content creation, provide one-on-one assistance to their peers. This allows teachers to incorporate more visual and digital elements into their course assignments and activities, without worrying about the burden to needing to offer intensive assistance to students.
Teaching Materials
Embedding Communication Criteria in Assessment Rubrics
Module 1: Different Types of Communication-related Assessment Rubrics
Module 2: Wording of Assessment Criteria
Module 3: Clarifying Communication Criteria in Rubrics
Module 4: How to Engage Students in Assessments
Micro Courses
Micro courses are online self-paced modules where students can learn specific communication literacies. The courses can save time for teachers by allowing students to independently cover detailed topics, reducing the burden of direct teaching of these skills.
How to Film
- Module 1 – Pre-Filming Preparation
- Module 2 – Location, Lighting, Shots and Framing
- Module 3 – Sounds and Audio in Videos
Presentation Delivery
Module 1 – Vocal techniques and body language, basics of word, and sentence stress
Module 2 – Pacing, pausing, pitch, and intonation
Module 3 – Non-verbal communication such as facial expressions, eye contact, posture, and gestures
Visual Design
- Module 1: Basic Concepts in Visual Design
- Module 2: Composition and Hierarchy
- Module 3: Colours and Contrast
- Module 4: Typography
Reflective Writing
Module 1: Distinguishing Reflective and Descriptive Writing
Module 2: Structuring and Planning Reflective Writing
Module 3: Language and Form in Reflective Writing