The CiC offers numerous professional development events for teachers to strengthen the teaching of literacies and related skills.
These include:
- Workshops led by HKU or external facilitators
- Annual Summer symposium
- Join-the-conversation teacher sharing sessions
- Monthly CiC course design workshops
Event details are available on the Event Calendar.
Be a CiC Application Peer Reviewer
Peer reviewing is an opportunity to learn from other teachers and pick up innovative practices for teaching and assessments. Teachers interested in becoming a peer reviewer will receive training with an experienced CiC consultants. As an active peer reviewer, you will be able to review at least 6-8 applications per year, both within their discipline and across other fields, providing them with a diverse range of CI-badged courses to evaluate.
If you are interested in becoming a peer reviewer, please let us know.
CiC Application Peer Reviewers