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Join-the Conversation: Methods to embed peer feedback activities for better course assessments

November 12, 2024 @ 12:30 pm - 1:30 pm

Details of the Event:

Date : 12 November 2024 (Tuesday)
Time : 12:30pm – 01:30pm (HKT)
Venue : Learning Lab (RRS 321, 3/F, Run Run Shaw Building, Main Campus, HKU)
Speakers :

  • Dr. Elizabeth Barrett, Assistant Dean (Learning & Teaching) & Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Education
  • Dr. Clotilde Landais, Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Business and Economics
  • Dr. Christelle Not, Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Science

Facilitator : Dr. Michelle Raquel, Senior Lecturer, Centre for Applied English Studies, Faculty of Arts

A guaranteed method of ensuring students submit quality assessments is through feedback on drafts. However, it could be challenging for faculty teachers to fit this in the course schedule and to facilitate this activity. In this presentation, colleagues from different disciplines talk about why they have embedded peer feedback in their courses, ways in which they have facilitated the activity, and their perceptions of the value of the activity to students and themselves.

About the Speakers

Dr. Elizabeth Barrett primarily teaches students who are training to become speech therapists or early childhood educators. Dr. Barrett has worked collaboratively with undergraduate students to co-develop a suite of e-learning resources for cross-program use, with the support of funding. At the course-level, she has worked to re-design assessments to create opportunities for students to take the lead on learning-and-teaching in the classroom and develop their communication skills. Dr. Barrett enjoys collaborating with students and colleagues to develop engaging and interdisciplinary learning experiences for students.

Dr. Clotilde Landais is a senior lecturer in the Faculty of Business and Economics at HKU. She designed her course on business storytelling based on her experience as a literature and professional communication professor. Her research interests include the role of culture in advertising campaigns.

Dr. Christelle Not is a Senior Lecturer at the Department of Earth Sciences, The University of Hong Kong. She obtained her PhD in Environmental Sciences from the University du Quebec à Montreal, Canada in 2011. She conducts interdisciplinary research which focuses on the human impact on Oceans and Climate. Her work has led to policy change in HK and wide-ranging public engagement. She also has been invited at numerous occasions to share her research with government departments, private sector, NGOs, schools, and the public on all matters concerning climate change and plastic pollution. Dr. Not is the coordinator of the Environmental Science major at the University of Hong Kong and the convenor of the Science and Technology Area of Inquiry within the Common Core curriculum. Dr. Not is a dedicated educator and fosters interdisciplinary learning and critical thinking among students.

For information, please contact:
Ms. Canice Mok, TALIC
Phone: 3917 6069; Email: tsmok@hku.hk


November 12, 2024
12:30 pm - 1:30 pm
Event Category:


Communication-Intensive Courses
Centre for Applied English Studies (CAES)
Common Core
Teaching and Learning Innovation Centre (TALIC)


Learning Lab, RRS321, 3/F, Run Run Shaw Building, Main Campus, HKU

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