Getting Started

As a teacher, badging your courses as communication-intensive is a straightforward process that can have a significant impact on student learning outcomes. Successfully badging your course also demonstrates your dedication to enhancing your teaching and become part of a community of practiceTo align your course design and assessments with the key literacies – written, oral, visual, and digital, there are clear frameworks and support systems to guide faculty members through the course certification process. The CIC team offers resources, workshops, and one-on-one consultations to ensure the process is seamless.

Resources to get started

Examples of Completed Applications

The Certification Process

Formal Requirements for communication badging:

1. Clearly specify communication-related course learning outcomes (knowledgeskills and attributes).

2. Learning outcomes that relate specifically to at least two of the following four communication ‘literacies’ (Oral, written, visual, and/or digital). Students will develop productive skills of creation in relation to the above literacies and receptive skills to understand, interpret and critique texts.

3. At least 40% of the course grade of a CI-badged course must be assigned to communication-rich assessment tasks relating specifically to communication-related knowledgeskills and attributes, as specified in the course learning outcomes. Assessment rubrics must be provided that describe expected student performance.


Resources to get started

Certification Workshops

The first step you may want to take is attend a CIC certification workshop facilitated by the CIC project staff. These workshops are designed to give you a comprehensive understanding of the essential elements required to earn the CIC designation. During the workshop, you will review your course and explore strategies for effectively integrate the explicit teaching of the literacies into your course design, teaching, and assessments. The workshop will cover practical guidance to give you confidence in adapting your teaching and learning approaches to foster active student engagement and communication skill development.

Dates of upcoming workshop are announced on the webpage. Alternatively, teachers can contact the CiC project team to book a one-on-one consultation.

CiC Badging Kit

The CIC badging kit contains the application form and some useful templates to support you in preparing for the certification process.

Examples of Completed Applications

BBMS3004 Molecular Diagnostics Laboratory

CAES9421 Academic English For Speech & Hearing Sciences Students

CBBA9002 Practical Chinese for BBA (IS) Students

CCHU9030 Image, Space and Society

CCST9038 Science and Science Fiction

GEOG2056 Tourism and the Shrinking World

LING2069 Origins of Language

MGMT2787 Business Case Analysis and Presentation

The Certification Process

Stage 1: Application and CIC Endorsement

 CI certification applications can be submitted anytime during the academic year. The process takes about 4-6 weeks from date of submission. Teachers are encouraged to contact the CiC project team for assistance and feedback on their submission.

A. Download the CIC certification application form.

B. Complete the form, and attach your course syllabus, grade descriptors/ assessment rubrics.

C. Submit the application documents to the CiC project team. The application is submitted for peer review by two peer reviewers.

D. The CiC Committee reviews the application and endorses the certification of the course.

Stage 2 and 3: Faculty Endorsement and Approval

  1. After Stage 1, teachers will seek endorsement of the course modification application by submitting the CI course certification form and modified course outline (with changes track changed or marked up) to their programme leader or equivalent.
  2. Final decisions on badging will lie with the Faculty Boards and their equivalents (Common Core Curriculum Committee and the Committee for Language Enhancement and Digital Literacy).